QA Navigation Software Lifecycle Manager Installation Documentation

Documentation for Version 02.00

Table of Content

The System Architecture of the Software Lifecycle Manager

System Requirements

Software Requirements

Report Manager

SLM UID Server

Test Workbench

SLM Database

Network Requirements (Firewall)

Installing the SLM

Setting up the Database

Setting up the UID Server

Installing the Report Manager

Additional Java Jars Required

Set Up


Initial Users and Passwords

Installing the Test Workbench

Manually Adapting the Config File

Testing the Set Up

What to do in Case of an Error

Problems with the Report Manager

Problems with the Test Workbench

Problems with the UID Server

Known Problems

The System Architecture of the Software Lifecycle Manager

The architecture of the Software Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Suite splits up into four components:

The UID Server provides the SLM applications with unique identifiers. It works as a singleton, there may be only one per Suite to be used.

The Database is the central data storage. The database engine is not provided by QA Navigation.

The Report Manager is a web application. It uses Apache Tomcat as a server engine.

The Test Workbench consists of PC applications.

The UID Server and the Database are central services to a SLM installation. Typically the Report Manager is also installed only once per SLM Suite. The Test Workbench is installed on each workstation of the users.

The UID Server, the Database and the Report Manager installation run on Linux machines as well as on Microsoft Windows installations (Windows 2000, XP Professional etc.)

The rest of the SLM Suite, the Work Bench, are Windows applications.

All components can be installed on one machine, or, in the most extreme case, each on a separate machine. The standard set up though is a central server for the the UID Server, the Database and the Report Manager and the Work Bench Applications on the individual workstations.

If you plan to use the SLM in a network with other workstations as well as a stand alone application, you have to install all four components additionally to the machine you intend to use offline.

System Requirements

The SLM Suite has no specific system requirements. Whatever the recommendation are to run the Operating System, Tomcat and the Database is sufficient to run the SLM. The only requirement specific to the SLM is, that the machine where the UID server is installed must have a network device to read a MAC from.

Software Requirements

The following applications and tools are required to run the SLM. The versions mentioned are the versions of the applications the SLM Suite has been tested with. The use of other versions of these application is at own risk.

Downlevel versions may work. For a downlevel version of Tomcat the setup has to be adapted accordingly. Only for the UID server Java SE 1.6 is the minimum requirement, as it is using the latest network functionality provided by Java.

The requirements in detail:

Report Manager

SLM UID Server

Test Workbench

SLM Database

Network Requirements (Firewall)

The four components communicate via TCP with each other, whether they are installed locally or on different machines. To enable them to do so, you have to allow them to communicate through the following ports:

The standard port used by Apache Tomcat is 8080

The standard port used by MySQL is 3306

The UID Server uses port 6194

Installing the SLM

Chapter "Software Requirements" describes the operating systems and the applications required to use the SLM. In "The System Architecture of the Software Lifecycle Manager" the possible server constellations are described. Before you begin to install the SLM, make sure you have your preferred constellation in place and all required components installed, up and running and communicating with each other.

The set up of the SLM applications is independent from the topology you intend to use.

Setting up the Database

To set up the SLM data base you need to have MySQL installed and up and running. You need appropriate administrative rights to create tables. Make sure the MySQL monitor can be called from a command prompt/shell (requires proper PATH setting).

You can have more than database, for instance if you want to keep the data for two different applications separate. If these data bases lie on the the same server, they have to have different names.

To set up the database unzip the file to a temporary folder.

On Windows systems run SetUpQANDB.bat by double-clicking the file or launching it from a command prompt. If you want to install the database under a different name than the default, run the batch with the database name provided as a parameter.

To set up the database on Linux systems, run in a bash shell. The shell requires the MySQL password as a parameter. Optionally you can provide an alternative name and a password for the database.

Maximum Numbers of Connections

MySQL by default comes with a relatively low number of maximum allowed connections (100). We recommend to increase this value to a much higher number. Please refer to the MySQL documentation on how to increase the maximum number of connections.

Setting up the UID Server

Unzip to a folder, where you want the UID Server to be located.

Copy your personal license file "QNLicense.xml" into that folder.

On Windows systems start the batch file "runUIDServ.bat".

On Linux systems start the shell script "".

On Linux systems the start of the UID server should be integrated into the boot scripts.

On Windows systems a link to the start up batch should be added to the "Autostart" folder

Installing the Report Manager

Unzip "" to the "webapps" folder of you Tomcat installation.

Additional Java Jars Required

The following Jars have to be collected and copied to the named directories:

Jar File Source Target Description
activation.jar From your Java SDK installation <Your_Java_SDK_Installation>\lib <Your_QN_PT_Installation>\WEB-INF\lib Required for mail, must be same version as mail.jar
jstl.jar From your Tomcat installation <Your_Tomcat_Installation>\webapps\examples\WEB-INF\lib <YourQNPTInstallation>\WEB-INF\lib  
mail.jar From your Java SDK installation <Your_Java_SDK_Installation>\lib <Your_QN_PT_Installation>\WEB-INF\lib Required for mail
standard.jar From your Tomcat installation <Your_Tomcat_Installation>\examples\WEB-INF\lib <Your_QN_PT_Installation>\WEB-INF\lib  
Commons-fileupload-1.2.jar From Apache Commons ( <Your_QN_PT_Installation>\WEB-INF\lib For file upload
Commons-io-1.3.2.jar From Apache Commons ( <Your_QN_PT_Installation>\WEB-INF\lib For file upload
appserv-jstl.jar From your Java EE installation <Your_Java_EE_Installation>\EE5SDK\lib <Your_Tomcat_Installation>\lib  
mysql-connector-java-3.*.jar From MySQL ( <YourTomcatInstallation>\lib For access to the database

Set Up

Change <YourQNPTInstallation>/WEB_INF/web.xml to the appropriate values:

If you have changed the location, the name, the user name or the password of the database from the defaults of the installation, you will have to change the text of the <env-entry-value>-nodes in the according <env-entry>-cluster of the configuration, labeled with the following values for "<env-entry-name>":

You will have to adapt the <env-entry-value> values for the following <env-entry> entries:

To allow proper processin of special characters add 'URIEncoding="UTF-8"' to the connector in the server.xml:

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 
               redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>

If the location, name, user name or password for the database has been changed from the default values, the copy of "QANavPT.xml" in the root path of the Report Manager installation path has to be adapted. Change the attribute "connectionURL" of the node <Realm> accordingly.

You need to create an additional path "Catalina/localhost" under "<YourTomcatInstallation>/conf/" and copy "QANavPT.xml" from your Report Manager installation to this path. This will automatically add the installation to the web applications managed by Tomcat. If you renamed the path of the installation of the Report Manager you have to rename "QANavPT.xml" accordingly.

On Windows machines a reboot seems to be required to make the connection to the database work.

For details about the set up of a web service please refer to the Tomcat documentation.


To allow logging of events for the Report Manager apply the following changes to "<YourTomcatInstallation>\conf\":

Add the following lines to the section labeled "# Handler specific properties":

<X> = FINE
<X> = ${catalina.base}/logs
<X> = QANavPT.
Replace <X> with the next free number in the sequence.

Add the following lines to the section labeled "# Facility specific properties":

org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/QANavPT].level = INFO
org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/QANavPT].handlers = <X>
Replace <X> with the same number as above.

Add the following to the list of File Handlers at top of the properties file:

Replace <X> with the same number as above.

Restart the Tomcat services to apply the changes.

Initial Users and Passwords

The initial administrator user is 'adm@piqa', the password is 'startPW'.

A default supervisor 'super' with password 'startPW' is also created. Before you start working with the Report Manager, replace it with the actual supervisor ID, you want to use.

Multiple Instances of the Report Manager

You can install more than one instances of the Report Manager. Simply copy all files to a path with different name in "webapps" and rename the copy of "QANavPT.xml" accordingly (see Set Up).

Installing the Work Bench

Make sure target computer has access to "libmySQL.dll" (by adding the path to the .dll to the PATH environment variable)

Unzip "" to a temporary directory and start "QN.WBInstaller.exe".

To set up the suite for an administrator, check the "Test Admininstrator" checkbox.

Replace the preset data with the following information:

User ID
Set the default ID of the user.
Database Location
Specify the IP address of the DB server (set to "localhost" for lokal installations).
Database User ID
Specify the User ID for the SLM database (default is "QANuser")
Database Name
Specify the Name of the SLM database (default is "QNdata")
Database Password
Specify the Password for the SLM database (default is "QANPass")
Specify the executable for the Internet Browser, used to issue Reports (default is "QNLaunch.hta")
Report Manager URL
Specify the URL to the Report Manager installation (see Installing the Report Manager)
Installation Path
Specify the prefered path for the Test Workbench Installation.
Export Path
Specify the prefered path for exports from the Test Workbench.
Statistics Path
Specify the prefered path for statistics data generated by the Test Workbench.
VSS Path
Specify the access path of the VSS ini file for VSS integration. (In a network, specify as a Windows network name and path)

Pressing the button "Save as Default" saves the current settings to the config file for later installations.

Manually Adapting the Config File

To adapt the configuration for a user manually, change the file "QNConfig.xml" on the target system, as follows:

You may want to apply your preferences to the other settings as well:

If you intend to use the Test Workbench both in a network and offline, you will have to maintain two different configuration files, pointing to different database server, UID server and Report Manager and switch between them, when you want to change the configuration.

Testing the Set Up

Once all components have been installed and the configurations has been defined correctly the following proofs that your set up works.

  1. Add a new tester to the SLM: Log on to <Your_QA_Nav_PT_Installation>/Admin/AdminUsers.jsp with an appropriate user ID (must have administration rights) and add a user with the role "Tester".
  2. Start up the test case editor, create a new test case and save it.
  3. Start the Test Case Executer, select the Test Case you just have written and execute it.
  4. Press the "Error" button in the Test Case Executer to report a problem. Use the just created user ID to log on.
  5. Fill out the Report and submit it.

If all of the above steps could be executed and an E-mail has reached you, with a link to the Report, then everything is set up properly and works correctly.

What to do in Case of an Error

Problems with the Report Manager

If you have set up Tomcat for the Report Manager as recommended, then you will find a log file for the Report Manager with the other Tomcat logs.

The most common problems are caused by incorrect configurations. See through the log for error messages about the access to the data base or access to the UID Server. If you find messages referring to one of those problems, read the installation instructions once more and check your configuration.

If you find messages about missing classes in the log, then there one or more jar files have been missed out at the installation. Read the installation instructions once more and check the required jar files.

In case of other errors, use your QA Navigation Report Manager account to report a problem.

Problems with the Test Workbench

For each of the Test Workbench Tools you will find a log find with an according name

The most common problems are caused by incorrect configurations. See through the log for error messages about the access to the data base or access to the UID Server. If you find messages referring to one of those problems, read the installation instructions once more and check your configuration.

When manipulating the configuration XMLs, the structure can be broken. Check the log for according messages. If the structure has been broken, compare the structure of your file with the structure of the template provided with installation, to locate the problem.

In case of other errors, use your QA Navigation Report Manager account to report a problem.

Problems with the UID Server

On Windows systems the UID server is started as a minimized command prompt. Restore the window to view the messages issued.

On Linux systems the provided shell script starts the UID server as a daemon process. The messages issued at startup are re-routed to the file "UIDlog". Open the file to investigate on the start up messages.

Known Problems

Observation Solution
After starting "runUIDServ.bat" on a Windows System nothing happens. There is no UID server. Run the command "java -jar piQaB.jar" (as it would be issued by the batch file) to see the error.
The attempt to start the UID server fails with a report about missing classes. Make sure PATH and JAVA_HOME are pointing to the right Java version. In case of downlevel Javas it may be necessary to add the required jars to the classpath.
Too many connections (MySQL) Starting a SLM application or service fails and the log shows an entry mentioning "Too many connections". This is due to the low number of connection (100) that MySQL is set up with, by default. Please refer to the MySQL documentation on how to increase the maximum number of connections.
Server runs out of disc space (MySQL) The default installation of MYSQL logs all transactions on the database, which over time can use up all disc space. To avoid this you will have to turn of the feature or flush the log on a regular base. For details, please refer yourself to the documentation of MySQL.